Armchair Discussion with CCCE President and CEO, the Honourable John Manley, and Linamar CEO, Linda Hasenfratz 

Armchair Discussion with CCCE President and CEO, the Honourable John Manley, and Linamar CEO, Linda Hasenfratz

Creating Strong National Economies: How Business Associations and Government Can Work Together

The Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) President and CEO, the Honourable John Manley, and the CEO of Canadian auto-parts manufacturer, Linamar, Ms. Linda Hasenfratz will be joining CCCJ Chairman Wilf Wakely for an armchair discussion on how business associations can work with government to strengthen national economies. This discussion will touch on the key issues and challenges that face business and government in the global economy, including facilitating international trade, cyber security, skills development and labour issues – a broad cross-section of issues facing business and affected by government policies. 

The Honourable John Manley served as Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (2002-2003), and served as Minister for Finance, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and Industry.

Ms. Hasenfratz is CEO of Linamar Corporation, a multibillion dollar company supplying auto parts to the globe’s automobile manufacturers, and employing over 18,000 employees in 48 plants around the world.

Event Details:

  • Date: April 28, 2015
  • Time:  12:30 - 14:30 (door opens at 12:00, event starts at 12:30)
  • Venue: Embassy of Canada to Japan
  • Registration deadline: April 24th, 2015
  • Event ticket stock for CCCJ: 60
  • Ticket price: JPY 4,500 includes light buffet lunch (sandwiches and small finger foods) as well as soft drinks and beer

Please join us in what promises to be a very engaging and timely discussion.



この度は、ジョン・マンレー・カナダ経営者評議会会頭兼最高責任者と、自動車部品メーカー リナマー・コーポレーション最高経営責任者 リンダ・ハーセンフラッツ氏をお迎えし、在日カナダ商工会議所 ウィルフ・ウェイクリー会頭が率いる、「国家経済の強化に向けたビジネス協会と政府間の協力のありかた」についてのディスカッションを行う運びとなりました。この討議では、主要問題や、国際貿易の促進、サイバーセキュリティ、能力開発、労働問題、グローバルエコノミーにおいてビジネスと政府が対面する困難や、政策によって影響を受けるビジネスに直面した様々な問題を話し合います。



• 開催日: 2015年4月28日
• 時間: 午後12:30から午後14:30まで (受付- 午後12時開始、イベント- 12:30開始)
• 場所: 駐日カナダ大使館
• 申込期日: 2015年4月24日
• CCCJチケット数: 60(日英同時通訳付)
• 参加費: 4,500円 (サンドイッチやフィンガーフードのビッフェスタイルランチ、ソフトドリンク、ビールを含む)



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Event Details

  • April 28th, 2015
    Registration Closed
  • 12:30 - 14:30
  • Embassy of Canada to Japan
    7-3-38 Akasaka, Minato-ku Tokyo 107-8503, Japan
  • 4500 for CCCJ members and selected guests
Registration is Closed