TCCI - CCCJ Joint Online Event

Join Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) and CCCJ Online joint event on Friday, February 25th!

This event will focus on

  1. To build the relationships between TCCI and CCCJ
  2. To increase each other's presence, and
  3. To share each country's general information and to explore the future possibilities and collaborations.

Date: Friday, February 25

Time: (zoom) doors open at 15:15, and the presentation begins at 15:30.

Venue: Zoom. The link will be sent to the participants a day before the event

Admission: Free of charge

[This event will be conducted in Japanese/このイベントは日本語で執り行われます]


PDF icon Event Schedule and Speaker's Bio.pdf211.05 KB

Event Details

  • Friday, February 25th
    Registration Closed
  • 15:30 - 17:00 (JST)
  • Admission: Free of charge
Registration is Closed