Japan Reconstruction and PPP- Challenges and the Way Forward
Almost 9 months have passed since the Tohoku disaster. Since then, local governments and residents of the Tsunami affected region have been working restlessly, cleaning debris, restoring agricultural land and planning reconstruction. Decontamination of the land is progressing but reconstruction in the devastated area has yet to begin in earnest.
As prefectural governments are ironing out the details of their reconstruction policy, they are also completing the survey of destruction and dressing up the list of the affected municipalities' most urgent needs. An initial estimate indicates a requirement for over $500 Bln in direct reconstruction cost, not including the loss in production capacity, livelihood and human loss.
Faced with what seems to be an insurmountable financial challenge, how will the various level of government cope? Could Private and Public Partnerships be one of the elements of solution?
Join us at the Embassy of Canada on Thursday, December 8, to hear from the local governments who will present the reconstruction needs of their communities. A presentation on the joint Canada-Tohoku Reconstruction Project, announced on November 11 by the Federal and BC provincial government of Canada, jointly with Canada Wood will follow, expanding on the prefecture's presentations and focussing on public facilities. The afternoon session will feature a presentation on the Canadian Public Private Partnership Model and explore its possible applications in the context of reconstruction.
Event Details
December 08 (Thu)
Registration Closed - 02:00 ~ 06:30
- Embassy of Canada,
Oscar Peterson Theatre, B2 floor - Enquire