Bonjour France Week ・Bordeaux Wine and Food Pairing

The CCCJ is pleased to announce that our members and guests are invited to a special Bonjour France event organized by CCI France Japon.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Bonjour France event
"Bordeaux Wine and Food Pairing"
Discover stellar matchings between fine French food and wines!

For the second consecutive year, Bonjour France in Tokyo offers the best of France in terms of shopping, food, culture and lifestyle (more details on our official page). As part of its gastronomic program, we are thrilled to present the event "Bordeaux Wine and Food Pairing", a unique opportunity to enjoy true Bordeaux wines and fine French food in a casual yet refined atmosphere.France undeniably has the best wines, and touring the best wine regions and sampling the wines where they are produced represents one of the best ways to spend your vacation in France. Most wines are made to be enjoyed with food: that is why there are so many different varieties of wines today.  A perfect pairing reveals as much as the flavors of wine as the food! During this evening you will be able to sample a selection of Bordeaux wines produced by Baron Philippe de Rothschild, as well as delicacies specially prepared to match the wines.

The Bonjour France team will be happy to help out during the night and give advice on how to enjoy the wine/food pairings best.

A quiz contest will be held to give you a chance to win Baron Philippe de Rothschild wines!


  • 18:45: Doors open
  • 19:15-19:30 : Partners' speeches
  • 19:30-21:00: Wine/food pairing and quiz contest
  • 20:45: Contest winners announcement
  • 21h: Finish

This event is open to all, members and non-members of the French Chamber. 
Discounted fee for group signups!


  • Date Friday April 15, 2016
  • Time from 19:00 to 21:00
  • Address 1-5-4 Shoto, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0046
  • Tel. 03-5206-2741
  • Fee 6,000 yen/person
  • Discounted fee 5,000 yen/person if 5 or more people register as a group (please make sure to specify the name of the company or group upon registration in the "Company name" box: no discounts on the spot).
  • Deadline for registration Monday, April 11, 2016 (Any cancellation after the deadline or no-show will be charged).
  • To register for this event, please use the link:

Register for this event now as tickets sell out quickly. 



ボンジュール フランス イベント


フランスは、世界で最も高品質なワインを生み出している国です。「ボンジュール フランス」期間中、フランス文化のひとつであるワインを楽しむイベントにおいでになりませんか?世界中で愛されているバロン・フィリップ・ド・ロスシルド社のワインに、さまざまなお料理を「マッチング」させます。ワインとフードの絶妙な組み合わせをお楽しみ下さい。東京に居ながら、まるでボルドーのワイナリーを巡る旅をしているようなこのワイン・テイスティングパーティーは、カジュアルな立食式で行われます。どなたでも参加できるイベントです。是非お知り合いの方もお誘い合わせの上、ご参加下さい!

  • 日時 2016年4月15日(金) 19:00~21:00
  • 住所 〒150-0046 東京都渋谷区松涛1-5-4
  • TEL 03-5784-1060
  • 最寄り駅 渋谷駅、神泉駅
  • アクセス こちらをクリック
  • 参加費 :お一人様料金 6,000円
  • グループ参加(5人以上)の場合、一人5,000円(企業名にて必ずご記入してください。ご記入がない場合、当日グループで来場される場合でもグループ料金にてご案内できかねますので予めご了承ください。)
  • 受付にて現金でお支払いください。
  • 申込締め切り 2016年4月11日(月)(申込み締切り以降のキャンセルにはキャンセル料がかかりますのでご注意下さい。)
  • このイベントを登録するには、以下のリンクをクリックしてください。


Event Details

  • Friday April 15, 2016
    Registration Closed
  • 19:00 to 21:00
    Venue: TRUNK BY SHOTO GALLERY Address 1-5-4 Shoto, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0046, Tel. 03-5206-2741
  • 6,000 yen/person, Discounted fee 5,000 yen/person if 5 or more people register as a group
Registration is Closed