Past Events - 2024-07

Shinnenkai 2013

  • January 21 (Mon) Registration Closed
  • 10:00 ~ 12:00
  • Roppongi Hills Club
  • 6,000 yen for Members, 7,500 yen for Non-Members

The CCCJ will be holding its Shinnenkai ringing in 2013; the year of the snake on January 21st, 2013 at the Roppongi Hills Club. Joining us in welcoming in 2013 will be our new Canadian Ambassador to Japan, H.E. Mackenzie Clugston.

We welcome you to join Ambassador Clugston, CCCJ Members and guests for an enjoyable evening of social networking over a fine spread of food & drink with all in the presence of great company.

Mark your calendars, contact your guests and register early for what promises to be another enjoyable night with the Canada-Japan business community!

Canadian Embassy Happy Hour

  • January 11 (Fri) Registration Closed
  • 08:30 ~ 14:00
  • Canadian Embassy
  • Free entrance with advance registration

Member-Only Event

The Embassy Commercial Section has kindly extended an invitation to CCCJ Members to participate at Happy Hour on Friday, January 11th and meet with some of the Canadian government employees in Japan from outside of Tokyo in addition to the Tokyo-based staff.

This event will be held immediately after their annual retreat to gather Embassy staff with others from offices inside Japan, but outside Tokyo. The retreat culminates with this happy hour reception at the Embassy Staff Lounge.

January Board & Committee Meeting

  • January 09 (Wed) Registration Closed
  • 09:00 ~ 10:00
  • TMI Associates
  • Free of charge

This month's CCCJ combined Board & Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 9th from 18:00 to 19:00 at TMI Associates. 

As a Member-driven organization, these monthly meetings represent important opportunities for Members of the Board and the various committees to gather and discuss the pressing matters of business of the Chamber.

Members who are interested in learning more about becoming involved in Committee activities are welcome to participate as well. 

Canadian Christmas dinner at Two Rooms Grill/Bar


Canadian Christmas dinner at Two Rooms Grill|Bar

Date: Sunday December 16th

Price: 14,500 yen
Time: 18:00 -
Menu: TBA

We are finalizing a great Canadian themed menu to pair with 5 of our top Ontario and BC wines including:

2007 Church & State 'Meritage'
Best in Class – 2011 International Wine & Spirit Competition

AdvantageBC: International Business Tax Breaks

  • December 06 (Thu) Registration Closed
  • 01:00 ~ 02:30
  • Free of charge









Daylight Savings Social Mixer

  • November 26 (Mon) Registration Closed
  • 10:45 ~ 12:45
  • Roppongi Hills Club
  • 5,000 yen for Members, 6,500 yen for Guests

WIth daylight getting shorter, it’s time to get most of your nights. Following the IT branding event come and socialize with leading members of the IT and Branding community in Japan at the Roppongi Hills Club. 

We welcome all CCCJ Members and guests to join us in networking over a fine spread of delicious food and drink, all served in great company. 



Branding in the Digital Age: A CCCJ Social Networking Event

  • November 26 (Mon) Registration Closed
  • Seminar: 18:00-19:30, Networking: 19:45-21:45
  • TMI Associates, Roppongi Hills 23rd Floor and Roppongi Hills Club
  • 2,000 yen Seminar only (Members & Guests)

The purpose of this seminar is to introduce people to the concepts and strategies of branding and marketing in an increasingly digital environment. Speakers will be presenting on various topics such as social marketing, digital brand protection, website presence, mobile strategies, and the legal aspects of branding online. The intended audience should be comprised of almost everyone who is responsible for their company’s branding and marketing as well as image. It is hoped that people from all sectors and industries will come and participate.

Canadian Wine and Beef Night in Akasaka!

  • November 24 (Sat) Registration Closed
  • 10:00 ~ 13:30
  • 10,000 yen including food and wine




November Board & Committee Meeting

  • November 14 (Wed) Registration Closed
  • 08:45 ~ 09:45
  • Free of charge

This month's CCCJ combined Board & Committee Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th from 17:40 to 18:50 at TMI Associates. 

As a Member-driven organization, these monthly meetings represent important opportunities for Members of the Board and the various committees to gather and discuss the pressing matters of business of the Chamber.

Members who are interested in learning more about becoming involved in Committee activities are welcome to participate as well. 

Renewable Energy Seminar

  • November 13 (Tue) Registration Closed
  • 01:00 ~ 05:30
  • Free of charge

The Embassy of Canada to Japan is organizing a Renewable Energy Seminar in Tokyo on November 13th. Admission is free of charge, simultaneous translation provided and space will be made available for one-on-one meetings. 

Participants wishing to register may contact tokyo.its [at]

for registration information.
