Upcoming Events

Shinnenkai 2014 - Whistler Cafe

  • January 28, 2014 Registration Closed
  • 19:00 - 23:00
  • Whistler Cafe

To celebrate the start of the year of the Horse, the CCCJ will be holding our annual Shinnenkai at Whistler Café on January 28th, 2014. Whistler Café is a Canadian style bar with a variety of Canadian food such as chicken wings and poutines! Please come out and join us for a drink and some networking.

The CCCJ will have a section of the bar reserved for our private use. Registration is unnecessary and attendees are responsible for a pay-as-you-go system.

International Development: Contradiction in Terms?

  • January 23 (Thu) Registration Closed
  • 10:00 ~ 11:30
  • 2000 Yen

In collaboration with the English-Speaking Union of Japan (ESUJ), the CCCJ presents International Development: Contradiction in Terms? by Dr. David M. Malone. Prior to joining the United Nations University as Rector on 1 March 2013, Dr. Malone served (2008-2013) as President of Canada’s International Development Research Centre. He earned his degrees from l’École des Hautes Études Commerciales (Montreal), the American University (Cairo), the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and a DPhil in International Relations from Oxford University.

Quebec Minister of International Relations, La Francophonie and External Trade to Speak about Province's New Economic Policy

Minister Mr. Jean-François Lisée will lead a trade mission to Japan from January 19 to 23, 2014.

This first mission to the Land of the Rising Sun by a minister in the Marois government comes as negotiations for a Canada-Japan Economic Partnership (EPA) continue.
Japan is Quebec’s second largest export market in Asia and seventh largest worldwide. Its highly competitive market holds business opportunities for innovative companies.

Joint Chamber Bonenkai ~20th Anniversary~

  • December 12 (Thu) Registration Closed
  • 09:30 ~ 11:30
  • 8.000 Yen ~

We are pleased to announce the 20th Anniversary of one of the most popular Joint-Chamber functions of the year!

Annually attracting over 300 guests, the Joint-Chamber Bonenkai continues to offer an excellent opportunity to meet new contacts, develop business leads, and catch up with friends and business acquaintances over a fine spread of food and beverages accompanied by live jazz music. Held at the Embassy of Canada, this popular social networking event bringing the international business community together is not one to be missed!

Chicken and Egg: Which Comes First, Business or Marketing? Why Marketing Means Business, Now More than Ever

  • December 05 (Thu) Registration Closed
  • 08:30 ~ 12:15
  • 2000 ~

Chicken and Egg:
Which Comes First, Business or Marketing?

Why Marketing Means Business, Now More than Ever

We are pleased to invite you to join us for a discussion and workshop with Robert Snow, President, Robert Snow Marketing Communications Inc. (Toronto and New York).

Robert will speak on how Marketing as a discipline is essential to informing and inspiring business and product innovation.

A Night in Monte Carlo

  • November 29 (Fri) Registration Closed
  • 09:30 ~ 13:00
  • 6000

Friday, November 29th ・6:30pm – 10:00pm・Embassy of Canada ・Official Residence

This year, as we are having the event at the Ambassador’s residence, come dressed up in your finest (black tie optional) for this rare opportunity and have a chance to play at the VIP tables with the Ambassador himself.

Cost: ¥6,000 (payable in advance)

This provides you with 1 drink, $100 worth of chips for gambling use, finger food, a chance to win great prizes, and lots of great fun!

『ISS、2014年議決権行使助言基準と今後の方向性~ コーポレート・ガバナンス向上に期待される機関投資家の役割と議決権行使アドバイザーの影響 ~』 受付開始!

  • November 25 (Mon) Registration Closed
  • 06:00 ~ 08:30
  • TMI Associates
  • 3000 yen for Members, 5000 for non.


カナダワインテイスティングパーティー~Canadian Wine Tasting Party

  • November 15 (Fri) Registration Closed
  • 10:00
  • Terrada Wine Cellars
  • 8,000 yen

~カナダから10のトップワイナリーが来日します~ Top 10 Canadian Wineries coming to Japan

English Follows.

寺田倉庫と日本で唯一カナダ産ワインを専門とするワイン販売会社Heavenly Vines社とのコラボレーションイベント!カナダからワイナリー10社を日本にお招きしスペシャルイベントを開催いたします。4つのカナダの主要産地から集めたスパークリングワイン、白ワイン、赤ワインなど約30種類のワインをご用意。カナダ料理と共にワイナリーの方との交流をお楽しみください。

Happy Hour at the Embassy of Canada to Japan

  • October 11 (Fri) Registration Closed
  • 08:30 ~ 11:00
  • Free entrance with advance registration (no later than 24 hours before the event)

Member-Only Event

The Commercial Section of the Embassy of Canada to Japan has kindly extended an invitation to CCCJ Members to participate in their Happy Hour on Friday, October 11th. Members are encouraged to join this fun event, networking with fellow CCCJ Members as well as getting to know our Embassy friends. 

This event will be held at the Canadian Embassy Staff Lounge on the 4th floor. 

ESUJ's Debate Week Special Program - Fun event with the ESUJ

  • October 04 (Fri) Registration Closed
  • 10:00 ~ 12:00
  • 5,000 yen

CCCJ would like to announce a fun evening event with the UK Debate Squad.

Do you know what parliamentary debate is? It’s not a quarrel but an art of persuasion which forms an important part of public life in Britain, the US, Canada and many other countries. It is a highly enjoyable game where flashes of ideas, intelligence and quick wit are exchanged.

A Luncheon with the Premier of Saskatchewan, the Honourable Brad Wall

  • October 03 (Thu) Registration Closed
  • Registration opens at 11:30
  • 4000

Feeding and Fuelling a Hungry World: Saskatchewan’s Role in a Dynamic Japan and a Vibrant Asia.  

Saskatchewan has one the strongest economies in Canada, with capital investment, job creation and population growth at record levels.  Its agricultural, energy and mineral resources are in high demand around the world, and its scientists and researchers are doing leading edge work in areas such as agricultural biotechnology and carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS).
