PRESS RELEASE September 25, 2015 If you are a Canadian and have recently received a notice from Elections Canada saying that you no longer have the right to vote because you have...
English follows Japanese プレスリリース 在日カナダ商工会議所、カナダ・韓国自由貿易協定発効を歓迎 日加経済連携協定に向けた前進を慫慂 東京、日本;2015年1月13日 – 在日カナダ商工会議所(CCCJ)は、本日、カナダ政府、並びに大韓民国政府へ、2015年1月1日から発効したカナダ・韓国自由貿易協定(CKFTA)...
November 21, 2014 Canadian Energy Round-up ・カナダエネルギー・ラウンドアップ Tuesday November 25th, 2014@ TMI Associates “Canadian Energy Round-up" On November 25th the CCCJ will hold a...
It with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Stephen Huggins, aged 47, on February 10th in Tokyo. Beloved husband of Meagan Maguire and father of Hana, Stephen...
The CCCJ is very pleased to report that Neil Moody, former Executive Director of the CCCJ has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Home Builders'...
The tenth annual North America - Europe Golf Challenge in Japan, the 2012 Mercedes-Benz Japan Cup, took place at Atsugi Kokusai Country Club on 28 September. The event pitted 68...
Hi, and welcome to the new Canadian Chamber Web site! It's been designed from the ground up to provide our CCCJ with a modern, and effective communication device. Members can now...
Press Release: CCCJ New Website. Dear All, Since July 2011 the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan has embarked upon a revival mission of sorts. It has ushered along more...
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan and the Canada-Japan Society of British Columbia strengthen ties, with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in the presence of...
Following on announcement of agreement to launch formal bilateral negotiations, CCCJ reinforces strong backing for the realization of a comprehensive and high-level EPA. ...
CCCJ joins in press conference urging Japanese Government to strengthen requirements for Independent Directors in changes to Japanese Company Law with a view of improving...
TOKYO, December 1, 2010 - The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ) became the 16th foreign chamber of commerce to support the Japan Market Expansion ...