The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan Applauds the Entry into Force of the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement - Encourages progress towards the Canada-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement


English follows Japanese




東京、日本;2015年1月13日 – 在日カナダ商工会議所(CCCJ)は、本日、カナダ政府、並びに大韓民国政府へ、2015年1月1日から発効したカナダ・韓国自由貿易協定(CKFTA)についてのお祝いの言葉を送ります。CKFTAは、アジア太平洋地域でカナダの最初の自由貿易協定となるものです。

カナダのビジネス界およびその従業員は、GDP1兆1000億ドルにのぼりアジアで4番目、世界で15番目に大きい経済として5000万人の潜在的顧客を擁する韓国市場に参入するより大きな機会を得ることになります。CKFTA は、韓国にとって、GDP1兆9000億ドルで世界で11番目のカナダ経済への特恵アクセスと、2012年以来発効した韓米自由貿易協定に続いて北米市場へのこれまでになかった参入機会を提供します。韓国への利点として、カナダへ輸入される韓国産自動車へかかる関税の漸進的撤廃が含まれます。CKFTAが完全に履行されると、工業、農業、林業製品を含めた全ての領域の二国間貿易につき99パーセント以上の関税が撤廃されることになります。

CKFTAの発効によって、カナダと日本の間で通商協定締結の成果を上げることがますます喫緊の課題となります。環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定(TPP) と日加経済連携協定(EPA)の二つは相まって、韓国を含むアジア諸国との関係で公平な土俵の上で、相互的な市場参入機会の拡大から両国が裨益することを可能とします。


ウィルフ・ウェイクリーCCCJ会頭は、「我々在日カナダ商工会議所は、数年間にわたり日加EPA締結を奨励して来ました。私共はTPPと EPAは相互に補完し合うものと考えています。高度のEPAは、二国間輸出と投資における重要な障壁を撤廃することに加えて、TPP交渉における両国の交渉力を高めることとなり、2国間の関心事項についてもより効果的な取り組みを可能にすると言うのが当会議所の見解です。」と述べています。

2014年11月に、CCCJ、カナダ商工会議所と日本商工会議所は、日加両国の企業を招いて、資源、農業、製造業及びサービス部門についてのパネル・ディスカッションを行いました。これに出席した太平洋を挟む両国の企業関係者から、日加EPA 締結への希望が明らかに表明されました。CCCJとして、両国の関係ビジネス団体と共に、EPA実現のために、日加両国政府が政治的意思を発揮することを呼びかけます。



在日カナダ商工会議所、 橋本ひかる Tel: +81 (0)3 5775-9500



The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan Applauds the Entry into Force of the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement

Encourages progress towards the Canada-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement

Tokyo, Japan; 13 January 2015 - The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (CCCJ) today congratulates the governments of Canada and South Korea on the Canada-Korea Free Trade Agreement (CKFTA), which came into force on January 1, 2015. The CKFTA constitutes Canada’s first free trade agreement in the Asia-Pacific region.

Canadian businesses and workers now have greater access to the world’s 15th-largest economy, with a GDP of $1.1 trillion - the fourth-largest in Asia - and a market of 50 million potential consumers. The CKFTA provides South Korea with preferential access to Canada - the world’s 11th-largest economy, with a GDP of $1.9 trillion - and unprecedented access to the North American market, following the 2012 implementation of South Korea’s FTA with the United States. The benefits to South Korea include the progressive elimination of tariffs on Korean vehicles imported into Canada. Once fully implemented, the CKFTA will eliminate over 99% of tariffs on bilateral trade across all sectors, including on industrial, agriculture and forestry products.

The coming into force of the CKFTA underlines the urgency of successfully concluding a trade agreement between Canada and Japan. Both the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the bilateral Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) offer the opportunity for Canada and Japan to benefit from enhanced mutual access to their markets under conditions of a level playing field with other Asian countries, including Korea.

Canada and Japan stand to gain from strengthened trade opportunities across a broad range of products, including in the agricultural, forestry, fishery and industrial sectors. For Japan, Canada plays a pivotal role in its export of automobiles and parts to the North American market. As Japan faces the challenge of formulating its energy mix for the future, Canada plays an even greater role as a stable and reliable supplier of energy resources, including LNG. With both the EPA and TPP initiatives being pursued in parallel, this provides a golden opportunity to transform a strong economic relationship into one even more durable and mutually beneficial.

Since its launch on March 25, 2012 by Prime Minister Harper and then Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, the two governments have held seven rounds of EPA negotiations, with the last held in mid-November 2014 in Tokyo.  The CCCJ – with a membership representing both Japanese and Canadian corporate interests, and a mandate to promote business between our two countries – urges both Canada and Japan to continue working together not only to conclude the TPP as soon as possible, but also to move quickly to conclude the bilateral EPA.

CCCJ Chairman Wilf Wakely said, “Our Chamber has for some years been engaged in encouraging a Canada-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.  We see the TPP and the EPA as mutually supportive. Indeed, it is the Chamber’s view that in addition to reducing key barriers to exports and investment between the two countries, an advanced EPA would give both countries greater bargaining power in TPP discussions, and would allow to address areas of bilateral interests more effectively.”

In November 2014, the CCCJ, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry brought together Japanese and Canadian companies for a series of panel discussions on resources, agricultural, manufacturing, and the services sectors. It was clear that businesses on both sides of the Pacific want to see the EPA signed, and the CCCJ joins the Canadian and Japanese business organizations concerned in calling on the two governments to exercise their political will to realize it.


Media contact:

Andrew Lambert, Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan. Tel: +81 (0)3 5775-9500