Prinoth K.K.
Industrial Equipment
Snow Groomers, Tracked Utility Vehicles
About Prinoth K.K.
Prinoth is specialized in producing heavy equipment for challenging conditions.
We have 3 different business units:
- Crawler Carrier : special off road vehicles with high payload and low ground pressure (facebook | instagram)
- Snow Groomers : special off road vehicles on snow for preparation of slopes, snow parks, cross country trails and transportation (facebook | instagram)
- Vegetation Management : special off road vehicles with low ground pressure and special attachments for mulching and trimming vegetation (facebook | instagram)
Contact Information
106-0041 Tokyo, Minato-ku, Azabudai 3-4-23 〒106-0041 東京都港区麻布台3 丁目4 番23 号
taro.girardi [at] prinoth.com