[Event Report] Summer Evening Party
On June 24, the CCCJ hosted its summer evening party. One of the most popular joint chamber functions of the year, the party attracted a crowd of close to 400 business people from several chambers.
The venue for the summer evening party was at the Roppongi Hills Club, located on the 51st floor of the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, in Minato-ku. Guests were treated to an evening of networking, conversation, free flow beverages (sparkling wine (welcome drink), wine, beer and soft drinks), a top-notch standing buffet menu, and great prizes. To top it all off, the party had a cool ambient set by a jazz trio, led by diva Eimy aka Blue Apple Yokohama - a live jazz, blues, pop, and dance music singer & songwriter based in the Greater Tokyo Area.
Summer Evening Party
The summer evening party was organized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Japan with support from the following Chambers as well as generous sponsors, Ron Zacapa, AIU Insurance Company and CareerEngine:
Menue of the Buffet/ ビッフェメニュー
Caprese salad
Caesar salad, romaine hearts, anchovy dressing, bacon, parmesan, croutons
シーザーサラダ ロメインレタス、ベーコン、パルメザンチーズ、クルトン
Crisp chicken, tartar sauce, boiled egg, iceberg lettuce
チキン南蛮風サラダ タルタルソースとボイルエツグ
Chili con carne, cheese, bell pepper, tortilla, sweet chili mayonnaise
チリコンカン、チーズ、パプリカのトルティーヤ スイートチリマヨネーズ
Penne and shellfish salad, tomato sauce
ペンネとシーフードのサラダ トマトソース
Assorted finger sandwiches, pickles
各種フィンガーサンドウィッチ ピクルス添え
Pan-fried fish, rosemary tomato sauce, braised cabbage
鮮魚のポワレ キャベツのブレゼとローズマリートマトソース
Grilled Cajun chicken, tomato salsa, warm vegetables
ケイジャングリルチキン トマトサルサと彩り野菜
Miso marinated pork loin, radish, green chili, flavored yuzu pepper
柚子味噌漬け豚肩肉のオーブン焼き 焼き大根と甘長唐辛子添え
Gratinated potato gnocchi, cream sauce, broccoli, parmesan
Seafood and mushrooms rice pilaf, wild parsley
海の幸とキノコの炊き込みピラフ 三つ葉の香り
Chef’s recommended pasta
Chocolate cake, petit choux, mont blanc
チョコレートケーキ プチシュー モンブラン
Jelly, macaron, cookie
ゼリー マカロン クッキー
Coffee or Tea
飲物 フリードリンク(スパークリングワイン、ビール、ワイン、ソフトドリンク)
Ron Zacapa様からご提供していただいたスペシャルラム酒ドリンク
Beverage All You Can Drink; Sparkling Wine, Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks
Special Drinks Provided by Ron Zacapa
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