[Event Report] ESUJ Plenary Meeting - Special Lecture with Ambassador Clugston 6/10

ESUJ Plenary Meeting Special Lecture Ambassador Clugston 6/10

On June 10th, 2015, at the invitation of Sadaaki Numata – CCCJ HBA Chair, and Chairman of the English Speaking Union of Japan – CCCJ members were invited to a special lecture with H.E. Mackenzie Clugston, Ambassador of Canada to Japan, on Canadian Immigration Policy.

H.E. Mr. Clugston emphasized that Canada’s unique Multicultural Society ---“Cultural Mosaic”--- is not an accident, but rather it is an outcome carefully constructed through the mixture of Canada’s policies, laws and programs which often result in citizens’ open attitude towards newcomers. He further elaborated on various factors, such as Canadian Education, Linguistic Diversity and Working Holiday Program all of which reflect Canada’s inclusive culture, diligent efforts to help both permanent and temporary residents and finally immigrants’ positive impacts on Canadian economy. The lecture was then wrapped up by guests’ insightful questions and then capped-off with a closing remark by Mr. Numata concluding that a country like Japan can learn from Canada’s immigration model in order to cope with the shrinking labour force and aging population.


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